Sunday, September 25, 2011

#14: Read "The Hunger Games" Series

Ok, any guys who are reading this are probably rolling their eyes. And for your sake, let's just say it is like Twilight.  But not.  If it makes you men feel any better, these books focus a lot less on a love story (although that aspect is there) and a lot more on the war and Games stories.  Either way, they were great.  I loved them.  I am really glad Jodi said I needed to read them, because they were definitely worth the time.  And being the girl I am, I cried through the last 2 chapters.  Good thing I was at home on a Saturday night on my couch and not at work (where I usually read).  Now I need another series to read since I've read the Twilight books and The Hunger Games books.  What's next?  Besides the Hunger Games movie in 2012!  Eeek, I'm super stoked!  Somewhere on my list is a "midnight movie premiere" and if I haven't done it by then,  I may have to take a Friday off work and hit up the theaters on the Thursday it opens.  Yes, I'm that excited.

1 comment:

  1. Try Divergent if you haven't already. It's similar and was recommended to me by a friend who also liked both of those series, also. I will warn you, though- it's the first book in a series and the second one won't be released until next Spring, I think.
